Essay Forum Review
The internet offers an often bewildering array of services to students, made even more complicated by the fact that not all of these so-called services are actually helpful. More often than not, websites that claim to be in existence to help students navigate the extremely difficult world of college or university are, in fact, for-profit businesses that exist to make money for their owners. All too often, students visit such sites seeking help with essays or research papers, only to find that after an initial promise of help, what they receive is a big, fat invoice. By that time, many students feel trapped and unable to say no thank you (even though, of course, that is their right to do so). And so, instead of receiving help with their coursework – the kind of help they want, enabling them to complete their projects from scratch – such students end up paying writers to create model projects for them instead. There is nothing wrong with using model papers as guides to create one's own work, but if that's not what you want, that is not what you should be pressured into getting.
Essay Forum changes all that because it is exactly what it claims to be: a completely free service for students who seek help with their essays, papers, and other forms of coursework. The moderators and contributors of the site work in a collaborative fashion to provide guidance, advice, research ideas, and other forms of assistance to students who post their work there. This kind of collaborative effort is guaranteed to help students reach new, higher levels in their writing. But the help doesn't stop there.
EssayForum has structured the site so that no student can receive help with his or her work until s/he has given help to another student on the site. This ensures that the site provide a community of support for students – enabled and assisted by moderators and contributors, to be sure, but still a thriving community in which students help each other. The ability to help another person is a true sign that real knowledge has been acquired; by allowing (and, indeed, requiring) that visitors to the site help each other, EssayForum is providing another excellent tool for learning.
It is true, though, that the moderators ramp up the sophistication in their replies to students who seek help with their written works. All of them possess advanced degrees from institutions in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Great Britain (that is to say, they are all native English speakers). Each of them has worked in the professional academic writing world for many years, and between them, they have education and experience in almost every single academic discipline. More importantly, they know their way around writing; from grammar to form, research to citation style, punctuation to flow, the moderators provide that additional layer of scholarship to all queries for help.
And don't worry about the future. They've got that covered too. Even after Sally, who has been an active member for four years, graduates from college, everything related to anything she's asked about – all of the texts and the comments made about those texts – are archived for many years, so that future students can benefit from the advice given at the time. Then again, a particular student might change his or her mind and not want anything left up there, for any length of time (let alone many years into the future). That's all right too! EssayForum allows students to delete their own posts if they so desire.
Perhaps the best thing about is the fact that anyone, at any time, can peruse the papers and comments that are posted there. It's easy to get lost for hours just reading the interesting texts that students post – everything from admissions essays to high-level chemistry research papers – and easier still to immerse oneself in the comments that are made about these papers. It is particularly interesting to see the evolution of the texts as students implement the advice given in the comments from moderators and other students – to see how much they improve, and see the increase in the confidence level of the students as well. Even people who aren't students, but simply like the written word, will find this site to be a true treasure.
All in all, provides to students what so many other websites promise, but fail to deliver: completely free, extremely helpful assistance to students who need help with their written coursework. Whether you're a student who seeks help from a professional, a student who likes to collaborate with fellow students, or simply a person who likes to write and wants to learn by viewing the comments made about texts in progress, you will find something worthwhile at – and no one will send you a bill.